Restoring an RDS in Another Account
I had a need to restore an RDS from one AWS account to another and I found these handy instructions to follow: So I started down this path
and the first thing I ran into is I used the default kms keys and so the snapshot was not shareable. I then shared
with a customer created KMS key. Now I had to find out how to share that key with the other account as well. I found
this documentation for that as well: I only did the part
where I put the root user of the account I wanted to share to on the key policy. I was using the CDK so I ran my code
and it failed saying:
The specified KMS key [BLAH] does not exist, is not enabled or you do not have permissions to access it. (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault
This error made me think it was a permission issue but on the role executing the CDK code. So I manually added a policy permission to the executing role and that didn’t work. I kept adding it to all the CDK roles and got the same error. I even tried to manually restore it and got the same error.
Now I wanted to make sure I even had access to the key from the other account so I went to the aws cli and ran:
aws kms describe-key --key-id BLAH --profile OTHER_ACCOUNT
and I was able to describe it so I new I had access
and I had access without modifying the role my user was attached to, so the troubleshooting above was in vain.
After some googling and thinking about the issue I wondered if the permissions were just wrong in the AWs documentation.
I found this stackoverflow article that mentioned needing kms:CreateGrant
So at the end of the day to share the KMS key so I could restore the RDS snapshot I had to put these permissions on the KMS key policy and that was it:
"Sid": "Manually added for OTHER_ACCOUNT to use this key to decrypt an rds snapshot",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::OTHER_ACCOUNT:root"
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"